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Hello! I'm Scottie the Cat!

I came home as a cute little orange and white kitten. My owners treat me very nice withh treats, toys, and lots of catnip! But I wanted more attention, so I asked meowmie, with my adorable kitty look, if she would make me a website. So she did! Here you can learn all about me, not to mention some VERY cute pictures!

Scottie Meow Moffie

June 13, 2002
This site's been running for 2 months!
April 27, 2002
Added some new pics and made a message obard, guestbook, and counter!

April 13, 2002
My site's finally up!
Click on the Photos page to see lots of cute pictures of me, the About page to learn about me, and Updates to see if i ripped up another chouch orother things! You can also see my favourite cat links by clicking on the Favourite Links button.

Site Design
My Meowmie

Scottie Meow Moffie

Gets lots of toys for your kitty!

Feel free to use these pictures whenever you want! I want everyone to see how cute I am!

Visit my message board!


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Click on Guestbook on the bar at the left!

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4145 kitties have visited my site